Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Etsy Wednesday

In a low-rent, mid-week tribute to Aija's Etsy Friday, may I present my recent purchases?

Ok, one purchase, but it's an awesome one:

A watch! Made from antique flatware! From LTCreates Jewelry! It's been years since I've worn a watch, but with my new job comes a new need to keep track of time. And I don't think there's a prettier way to do it.

I was on the phone with my mom when I ordered it, so she decided she wanted one too. Here's the one she picked out:

Also, there are bracelets! I have the feeling someone I know is getting this one for Christmas this year. I just hope it's me.

I'd also be happy with this one.

In other news, did you see Sock Wars is on again this year? It was a lot of fun last year, but I think I am going to sit it out this time around. I'm passing on the link solely for your own benefit. Go sign up and have fun!


Bertha said...

Ahhhh! I *love* that last bracelet! SUPER DUPER LOVE TO THE MAX. Argh, I don't wear gold though, I wish it was all sterling! I'd buy it in a heartbeat! I wonder if she does custom orders...

Knit and fall back in it said...

That was a great find, I can't wait to see it in person.

Kirsten said...

Oooo, I love a good etsy link. Thanks! The watches and bracelets are all beautiful.

Marianne said...

Those are ALL beautiful pieces!

String said...

thanks for the comment. got more stitch p0rn of this yarn/pattern today. It's crazy addictive.

Kristy said...

So pretty! I really love that shop. Thanks for the link!

Katherine said...

Ooooo I love silver jewelry, and places to buy silver jewelry. Thanks for the great link!

Anonymous said...

How adorable! What a great idea.

Sinéad said...

Hi Emma,

Thank you for your comment on my blog. My friends were very impressed, so much so that I have a order to make one for her for Christmas!


Terby said...

So pretty! They're elegant and a little bit funky, too. Great find!

The Sexy Knitter said...

Wow, those watches are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the link! : )

aija said...

Such a great shop! I had a spoon ring given to me by my mom when I was too young to receive something so nice (meaning I lost it). Very good memories though :)

karrie said...

Love these! Thanks for the link!

ghjkl said...

I love the watch! So cute!!