Simply Scraps

Posted by
4:34 PM
I still can't find my camera charger, and it's starting to concern me now because my battery is dead.
On the plus side, my summer-long knitting drought has broken, and I have a few new projects in the works, with a few more potential projects buzzing around in my head. Since I can't show you right now, I'll just make a list.
On the Needles:
1. A soft pink Clapotis for a woman in my office who has breast cancer and just underwent a double mastectomy. Before she left work, she asked me to knit her a pink wrap, so I've been working hard to get it finished. I knit one of these before, and I've been reminded while working on this one what a clever pattern it is. I kind of want to start another one, even before this one is finished!
2. A single sock--a test knit fr the folks at Woolgirl. This is my second ever test knit, and it's been a fabulous experience. I got a skein of yarn, the pattern, a sample of Soak, AND a self-addressed, postage prepaid envelope for sending my completed sock in. And as payment? Two skeins of sock yarn. Not a bad deal. The sock is done--just needs the toe stitched up.
3. A swatch for the Cardi Cozy from the new Mason-Dixon knitting book. I'm using Kidsilk Night.
Longing to Start:
1. Sock Yarn Scrap Blanket. Sue and Amy from Knit Nite are working on this, and I'm intrigued.
2. Monteagle Bag, also from Mason-Dixon.
3. Honeycomb, the vest that was suppose to be my Ravelympic project. Yeah, that didn't happen.
Sorry for the pictureless post. We're going to Michigan on Wednesday to visit Paul's sister and her family, so I really hope I find that charger by then.
Have a lovely Sunday!
Posted by
9:12 AM
And my Embossed Leaves took second place at the Tulsa State Fair!
The socks to the right were the third place winner. I stupidly neglected to take a picture of the first place winner. Oh, well. It's kind of thrilling to have won a ribbon though; this is my first ever Fair entry. In the interest of full disclosure, there appeared to be only 4 entreis in the "Sock" category. And I was sorely disappointed in the spinning turn-out--I only saw one skein, and while it was lovely, all wispy and white, I had been really looking forward to seeing more. More knitting, more handspun--next year, I will definitely encourage my spinning friends (Marianne and Ann, I'm looking at you. Oh come on, ladies, I'll loan you my SSN if that's what it takes!) and my knitting friends to enter something.
Look at these sheep! Why are they wearing clothes? The only thing we could figure out, because it certainly wasn't cold in the animal barns, is that they had been bathed and brushed and were ready for show, and the clothes help keep the hay and, er, poop, off of them. Can anyone confirm?
Anyway--I'm back! It's been a long summer--but not in a bad way, I promise. A long summer full of knitting ennui, but I do feel I am back, and next post I'll have lots to show, provided I can find my camera charger that is. If anyone's still reading, thanks for hanging in.
I'll leave you, in the spirit of the first presidential debate tonght, with a pumpkin entered in the kids' pumpkin carving contest at the Fair (it didn't win, more's the pity--but this is Oklahoma, after all).
Posted by
3:50 PM
After knitting a couple of inches of my pattern, I realized I couldn't tell the right side from the wrong side, which struck me as odd. So I consulted the online version of the pattern and saw that whatever it was I was knitting was most definitely NOT the honeycomb pattern.
So I ripped. Now the pressure is on.
Posted by
6:05 PM
The Ravelympics kicked off during last night's opening ceremonies. I spent yesterday in an all-day meeting, working on my gauge swatch. Nothing like waiting until the last minute!
I started the ribbing last night during the show (which was awesome).
Should be some frantic knitting around here for the next 17 days!
Posted by
12:34 PM
Home from the beach. It was a grueling 15 hour trip through seven states to get home yesterday, but it was worth it to see Elly again and come home to a house only slightly cat-vomit stained, thanks to the valiant efforts of Sara, the Best-Cat-Sitter-in-the-World.
No knitting was accomplished on the trip though. I seriously don't know where the knitting went. I signed up for the Ravelympics (go Team OkieKnitters!) though and my goal is to complete Honeycomb. I haven't even swatched yet though. Humph.
What else...?
I love this bag.
The Kellyville Fiber Festival is this weekend--yay! Maybe I'll find inspiration there.
If you're thinking of adopting a cat, check out Sheepish Annie's thoughts on the matter first.
Sorry for the bullet points, ya'll. I'm exhausted.
Posted by
4:25 PM