Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Excuses, Excuses

I know I haven't posted lately.

And I haven't been knitting any exciting projects, just churning out miters, and working on the Sockapalooza socks.

Baby blanket still not done, but it's a priority for this weekend.

The truth is that my new job is exhausting me, There's so very much to learn, and every day I come home completely drained. It will definitely get better, but after 3.5 years of working at home, this new out-in-the-world schedule is tough to adjust to.

On the definitely up-side, I got paid, and to reward myself, I bought a teach-yourself-to-spin kit from Hello Yarn. Could this be the start of a new obsession?

Stay tuned...

And, just because hate posting without photos
Eddie says hey.


Janey said...

Ooh, that spinning kit looks interesting...looking forawrd to seeing what you produce. That is the one upside of to spend on stash!

Knit and fall back in it said...

Sometimes I think that I would like to go back to a "real job" but I have been working at home since 1999. I have a whooole lot of bad habits I would have to break before I could do it. I hope that your adjustment period is short-lived.

Once you get the hang of your spindle you will have to teach us all at knitnight.

Unknown said...

Hey Emma, sorry we haven't been able to connect but here in another week and a half hubby will go back to working the day shift and I'd love to get together for either crochet or spinning. Let me know if you wanna.


Sheepish Annie said...

Hey, Eddie! Could you do me a favor, my feline friend? Try to not play with the wool as it spins, OK? Trust me when I tell you that the spinner will not appreciate this.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the spinning! Can't wait to see your first yarns.

katie said...

Good luck with spinning...and with work! Amazing how work gets in the way of the important stuff, huh? :)

bananapocky said...

Aweee hi kitty! *pet pet*

At least you can take comfort in knowing that the job can only get easier as you learn what is expected of you. :)

I can't wait to see pictures of the spinning projects.

I sent you a quick letter from Japan right before we leave just so you can say you have recieved one :D I hope you get it soon.