Wednesday, January 30, 2008

after math

i am home from my ltttle surgery thing and i cannot type ery well, so forgive thr typos.. the doctor says this thing was actully in two of my tendons and so required quite a bit of digging around to eradicate. the doctor said he thinkns he loosedn the "shelf" (whatever that is) that runs across the wrist that my tendons were rubbing gainst to cause my cyst, so he is confident it will not return.

i finished my mittne s but now cannot wear them for 12 days due to hti s ginourmous bandae and brace thihgn on m my right hand. it hurts already but i have visodin.

i wish i could start my secon tangled yoke sleeve but it may be a few days before knitting can resumme. i thikn i can kjit with the bandage but i will have to wait for the pain to sbside.

and i have two stitches in my hand! i have neer ever had stitches before so that is kind of cool.

thanks for all the well-wishes. it's not really that bad except i shudder to thik ow dirty my hand will be after being wrapped and not able to get wet fori twleve days!

no posts wihtuht pictures:

my friend dustn, me, my friend kirsten, and my dad finding something hilarious in front of the cathedrap on my wedding day.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Knit Nite

My knitting group meets the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at the Brookside Library. I missed several weeks and so it had been a while since I attended, but I did drag myself out last night in freezing cold temperatures to join the ladies for some knitting and project-sharing.

I had really missed it! Just about everyone is local--like neighborhood local--and so we get a chance to talk about neighborhood issues too, like ice storm debris removal and the demolition of the Camelot (it's now completely gone).
I had my camera with me last night, so I took some shots. So here you are--the ladies of Brookside Library's Knit Nite:

Ann and Eva.

My original sock mentor, Sue.
Cindy and Kathy (whose current post just happens to be about the Camelot!)
The boys of eatsts, Eric and Tony.
The always-inspiring Marianne.

And a silly picture of Eric I just couldn't resist.

In more knitting news, I finished one Bird in Hand mitten and the second is firmly under way. Love this pattern.

And the results are amazing.

The titlular Bird in Hand.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Long Time, No Post

My sister keeps nagging me to post to my blog, but to be honest, I haven't had anything exciting to post about, knitting-wise.

Although, speaking of my sister, I did finish one Endpaper Mitt before Christmas. These were originallyintended to be a gift for her, but I ran out of time and wouldn't have been able to finish the second one. So I decided to keep them for myself.

Love this pattern, but I have yet to cast on for the second. The color is more true here:

There is also sleeve-knitting, and you know just how exciting that can be. Except it's not. It's just lots of garter rib. Although I am about to transition into the plain stockinette section, so it's just bound to get more interesting...

As for future projects, I am just dying to cast on for Kate Gilbert's Bird In The Hand Mittens. They are so gorgeous. I have a little anxiety when thinking about future projects because on the 30th, I am having just minor surgery on my right hand to remove this cyst that has formed there. I really think it is a result of knitting! It's not painful or anything, but it was becoming somewhat unsightly, so the hand doctor stuck a needle in it and drained it (yeah, gross) then told me I needed surgery to make sure it doesn't come back.

In one of those a-little-knowledge-can-be-a-dangerous-thing situations, I started to browsing the internet in search or more info about this procedure and found the consensus is that it can be 10 days to 2 weeks before you can resume normal activity. Which is bound to have a big effect on my productivity. So I am trying to get as much done as I can before the 30th.

Let's see, what else? I had a birthday last week. I got some cool knitting magazines, some clothes, a digital picture frame, and a gift certificate to Stitches from Paul, who knows I prefer Loops, but Stitches is just down the street from where he works, and I just like yarn, so it all works out in the end!

On Friday night, Paul and I went to some friends' house to see another friend, Sarah who now lives in Philadelphia, but was back in Tulsa for a visit. Sarah and her friend exchanged Christmas gifts, and it was so cool because they each knitted something for the other. Here's Sarah modeling her new fingerless mitts:

Later, we went to this art gallery thing and I was walking around trying to get through the crowd when a girl stopped me and said she knew me from my blog. I guess she recognized me from the phot of Paul and me that I posted for Christmas. It was really funny and kind of strange. Hey there, KnottyLady (Ravelry link)!

In other news, Elly needs a haircut.

Have a good week!