The Blues
I seem to be in a blue period lately. I didn't even realize it until I was taking photos for this post, but it definitely gives me plenty of fodder for Knit Blue.
First up, the pair of socks I finally finished for Paul. Started back in October, they are plain old stockinette socks in the fabulous Boathouse from Piece of Beauty.

I started the Dotty Cat Bed from kelpknits. I totally didn't even deviate from the colors of the original. What can I say? It looked great! It's a fun pattern that's moving along more quickly than I had anticipated. I doubt my cats will sleep in it, but we'll see when it's done.

And the yarn I ordered for my Sockapalooza pal arrived. Mmm, beautiful, custom-dyed yarn from darling etsy seller WhiteWillow. Seriously, check her stuff out. Send her an email, and she'll work with you to come up with whatever color you want. Great prices, fast shipping--what's not to love?

I haven't decided on a pattern yet--my goal for this afternoon--but it's all ready to go!

Finally, I spotted the enemy outside the other day. It appeared to be sleeping because it didn't move at all while I was photographing it. Or maybe that's all part of the strategy...

Whoa...hope enemy stays outside where enemy belongs....enemy very beautiful.
Those are great mansocks!
Loving the cat bed so far!
Mercy, that's some beautiful colours in that yarn!
It certainly appears to be a blue period for you. The enemy certainly is very pretty.
Good luck finding that pattern.
Great pictures! Why enemy?
That is why the enemy is so effective, they sit there and look all beautiful and harmless and when we aren't looking they launch their sneak attack.
The socks are very pretty and I can't wait to see what you do with that pretty blue yarn.
The blue yarn is so summery! And why is he the enemy?
I see a theme in colors here...very pretty socks (how do you get your guy to wear multicolored socks? My guy only wants neutral colors). Moths...nice to look at but they need to stay outside!
Hmmm...the enemy does appear to be asleep. And deceptively beautiful!
The Sockapalooza yarn is stunning. I look forward to seeing what you do with it. I could see it being a really nice lacy sock, or maybe something with cables.
Your blues are beautiful! And even your enemy has a bit of blue, hee hee.
Also, kudos to you for getting so close to that enemy. Moths are one of my irrational fears, I'm afraid.
I love your blue period! Really lovely stuff!
Enemy, indeed. The mere thought sends shivers down my spine. I should probably scurry on into the stash to make sure everything is protected.
I love that whitewillow yarn!
Ha, that is a very familiar colorway for the cat bed! Do let me know if you run into any issues with it!
I'm taggin yu for a meme! I posted the details on my blog post for today, May 30.
crap. I tagged you for the same meme as you just did!
It's a beautiful enemy, and your new sock yarn is beautiful. I really like the mansocks too.
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